Saturday, January 10, 2009

A speedtag and speedtagging...

A Speedtag and speedtagging- a word created by the process of creating a never used before word, a new word created by its user and attached to all personal media and data in tag format or text, to assist in locating all their media and data once published on the internet. To make a "speedtag" you create a word that uses your own name and something very memorable to you, IE(Niagra & Scott, makes Niagrott), then do a search for it on Google. You must find a word that has little to no references by Google, and in most situations Google will offer you some sort of spelling correction on your own newly created word. Don't use Google's suggestion, since it is probably some word that already exists.

"Niagrott" is being used aa a "speedtag" for my YouTube pages and internet posts. By creating this new word and using it in tags on my media or as a last word on an internet post, it wil assist me or anyone in locating all of my personal media on the internet in all locations on the net with a one word search.

I am coryrighting this practice and naming it "a speedtag and speedtagging." These words are Paul Allen Hardie's creation, Jan 10, 2009. The phrase "That's speedtagged!" is also copywritten by Paul A. Hardie.


  1. Wikipedia Referece to Speedtagging

  2. YouTube Video Reference to Speedtag and Speedtagging
